Wednesday, November 4, 2009

When everything familiar is gone

Just watched the episode of "West Wing" where the new president is sworn in, and Bartlett (Martin Sheen) has to leave the white house, along with his loyal staff. The struggle of his need to let go of the last 8 years of being president was intense.

While watching people leave in despondency, fearful of their future, of letting go of the same old faces, same routine, I could feel a Strong level of personal sadness and anxiety. Just like the early days of letting go og the alcoholic post divorce.

Change sucks. Facing new challenges, a new life without the man I spent 23 years with was terrifying. My codependent addiction had told me a life threatening lie; that I could not live without him.Just like alcoholism tells the drunk he cannot live without alcohol. What terror I felt in seeing this episode. Letting go of the familiar, no matter how dysfunctional is was, is so painful. And today I thank God I lived through it, I grew through it ad all that I have gained from it.

Another reminder from God of how I dont have to live that dependent life anymore.


Syd said...

That takes a lot of courage. I chose to work with my recovery and my wife began to work on hers. I too have a codependent addiction which is why I need Al-Anon.