When faced with more court time because of failure to pay child support, medical insurance, college plan, the junkie just comes out swinging. Threatening to take me to court to modify his financial obligations. Yeah. Sure. THAT'S the solution.
Deadbeat. Junkie. Drunk.
The by products of WRONG living. Always making friends with this strategy.Spreading love.
And not even bothering to call your son on Thanksgiving. After all. He is just your child.
Put more effort into lowering your financial obligations than to tell your son Happy Thanksgiving.That you love him. That youre sorry for all the pain. Nope. Need the energy to be a dead beat.
The junkie just can't surrender.
And no one is surprised.
ICU Nurse it is
2 years ago
I found that having expectations of someone who is sick and crazy only made me sick and crazy.
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