Friday, December 4, 2009

What my son did tonight

Jackson and I went up to our local AA room for the *ask it basket* meeting. Newcomers ask questions in writing and the chair pulls from the basket a question and people respond.

Afterwards, we saw our friend Marcelle, the grandmother whose grandson died of Leukemia in July. I reintroduced her to Jackson and she remembered him well, as he and her grandson were both in Alateen together for the short while her gs was a member. We shared some hugs and hellos, and as I walked away to leave, Jackson stayed behind to ask her if she liked the color pink.

And then I knew. I knew what he was going to do. Ya see, Jackson has been making some key chain type lanyards lately, our of parracord. Parracord is a thick nylon cord that the military use for  a multitude of purposes. He likes making them for key chains, knives or anything at all. He had made a new one yesterday and was wearing it on his belt loop to the meeting. I think he was touched when,during our conversation, she brought up Curtis, her grandson. He could see the sadness in her face. So, he asks her if she likes pink, and as I am about 10 feet away, I am watching, purposely not joining them because I want the moment to be the way it is supposed to be, private, and with him learning to be a loving, gentle man offering kindness alone. He offers her the small, pretty pink lanyard to have. She accepts it and thanks him. She was touched. I was beyond touched, but didnt say anything til we left. Just after he said goodbye to her, I see him go to another young woman/girl and start talking. Im shocked cus he is not usually too talk-a-tive in AA rooms. I leave him to finish the chat and we leave. Outside he tells me the girl was a student in one of his high school classes, he had never spoken to her at school and didnt even know her name. But, yet, here in a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, they speak.

Wow, does God know what he is doing, or what?


Syd said...

Jackson is a great kid. I am touched by what he did too.