My friend, Joe, did something very nice for me tonight. Jackson has been wanting to learn to shoot a gun for the longest time. He loves reading about guns, and we even went to a range a few times to look and observe. I dont know anything about them, especially gun safety, so I asked Joe. Joe is a mans man, who knows about these things.
He picked up Jackson tonight and at my treat, took him to an indoor gun range and off to shoot they went. When the returned, Jackson showed me his target riddled with holes. So proud, grin on his face. On and on they went about how it went. Joe, a recovered alcoholic of 18 years, said "Who would have ever thought ID be a positive role model for a child?". Just goes to show the alcoholic who *wants* to change, can change.
It was bittersweet, because his being with Jackson as a father figure, showed me just how much Jackson has missed, without his biological father being in his life. The damage is monumental.
ICU Nurse it is
2 years ago
Not having a "real" father is difficult but sometimes being with a person who is sick does more damage than not having that person at all.
Jackson seems like a great kid.
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