In yesterdays noon meeting, a newcomer mother felt the need to read a letter her 28 yr old daughter wrote from rehab. With all of 4 weeks sober, the girl wrote of being sorry for the pain she caused the family and felt she was blessed to have her family support her. She also wrote of the joys of sobriety and how it is filled with rainbows and kitty cats. (Slight sarcastic jab there).
The mom was so happy to see humility and responsibility being taken by the alcoholic, and when she closed her share she said "Im so glad to see her change and feel this way I hope it lasts, and Im SURE IT WILL".
(Cut to Christina's mind going ballistic)
You're sure? You have a crystal ball? Ah, heck, it touched the former newcomer button in me. I could see she was riding the same pink cloud her daughter was, "All the bad stuff is behind us", "Nothing but blue skies ahead". I wanted to bitch slap the denial right outta her and infuse her with the reality that most alcoholics WILL revert to the sickness and behavior of days gone past. I guess I wanted her to be prepared. To not face another round of hurt and lower the expectation that just cus the alcoholic is singing a lovely tune now, doesnt guarantee it will last.
But I didnt. Just like I can not say anything that will make someone want to get sober, nor can I say anything to change the al-anon mind. She will find out when she finds out, if she finds out. I let it go. I just focused on how glad I am, for today,I dont live on pink clouds. As it happens, the woman sitting next to her shared that her 12 yr sober daughter has begun to drink again. God didnt need me to deliver a message, when he had the other woman do it for him.
Pink clouds: They are pretty, they are fluffy but they aren't real.
Just for today.
ICU Nurse it is
2 years ago
It is definitely a one day at a time thing. I have a lot of compassion for the newcomer though. They need a lot of time before they are able to "hear" the message. And they grasp at anything to get out of the pain.
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