Friday, July 24, 2009

2 years sober and pissed off!

Found this posting over at

It could have been written by my ex husband, who coincidently claims 2 years of sobriety, who is always pissed off, who in not attached to alcoholics anonymous, who is filled with hate.on and on and on.

It really is so helpful for me to read the alcoholics experiences, for it validates those things that I already know, but which the disease wants to make me doubt that I know it.

2 years sober and pissed off

My 2 year anniversery will be coming up soon and I can't say I'm comfortable with being a recovering alcaholic. I'm still really angry and pissed off at people. I did rehab, counseling, and meds, but could never go to AA faithfully. For some reason I would always hate everyone involved in the process. I know it's a defense mechanism, but should it really last this long? I hated the people who ran rehab- thought they were all there to make a buck. Thought my counselor was an underqualified idiot, and then never wanted to hear other people's stories at AA. What avenues are there for me? Any alternatives to AA? I know it's a common thing to need/hate AA and push yourself to go, but I just really really don't want to go. I don't believe in God, so church groups are out, and I really don't like being around strangers. The anti-depressants don't help much and I feel like I'm going crazy. Please help.