Monday, November 23, 2009

This I believe about love

The success in life depends on how much Love we are able to give.

Love is display via action. Words arent enough. No.Way.

Yesterday, I tool Jackson to his tuba lesson 70 miles roundtrip (my love for him).

Then I went to have a manicure/pedicure (my love for me).

This morning he left me a love note taped to the wall before he went to school, wishing me a great day off. (His love for me)

Today I bought him 2 Christmas gifts on Amazon (my love for him)

Tonight we went to dinner together, at my request he made his funny impressions on me.....we laughed and laughed. Mutual love.

Love is an action, feeling and intention expressed.

When I give love, I GET some in return!!


steveroni said...

My favorite word/topic/activity. It IS love which was before everything else, and that which will outlast everything, to the end of time, and beyond into eternity.

It's what I believe. Your "love" story-of-the-day is beautiful. I must remember, when I have a "lovely" day such as yours, that the love expressed in action is a direct result of the Gift of LOVE, from Him Who is the Author of LOVE.


Unknown said...

I am with Steve on this one...I love the topic of love and much like the steps I tell people in meetings that it is in our people will see us...ACTIONS!

Sounds like you had brilliant loving actions today!
xo G

Spring said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful post! It uplifted my day.